Tuesday Night is Chick-fil-A Spirit Night for Bartram Springs Elementary.
It is held from 5-8 pm at the Chick-fil-A in front of the Avenues Mall on Southside Blvd. I will be there early and I hope to see most of you there!
Please be sure to sign in and tell the cashier you are with the school. If you can't make it in but are going through the drive thru line tell them too.
If you have any Box Tops for Education labels please send them into school. I just bring my trimmed Box Tops in a snack sized baggy for easy sorting.
We are also collecting Campbell's Labels for Education. I just found three on my bread labels this morning.
The last thing we collect in the classroom are pop tabs. Ms. Tinc, a first grade teacher at our school, began this fundraising project a few years ago. Ms. Tinc donates the pop tabs to the Ronald McDonald house and they in turn recycle them. This helps to pay for their utility bills.
These are all great projects and things you can collect instead of throwing them away.
Homework for this week will continue to be to Read and Record for 20 minutes a night. On Friday I will send home the first reading/spelling homework sheet for the year. Remember it is due the following Friday- 9/9. I will also be sending home math homework this week. Math homework is always due the following day. Look for it on the home side of your child's blue homework folder.
Reminder- Please initial you child's planner every night. This helps me to know that you have seen the homework, notes and reminders from school that day.
Mrs. Pacciano
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